Thursday, December 31, 2009

Natural Bridge State Park

Driving towards a potential destination of Boone NC I saw the sign that said Natural Bridge State Park in Kentucky and I had to stop. These stairs actually went up to the top of the bridge but I decided, well how can I say this delicately, that I could not fit up at the top part of the stairs!

This sign was not fooling me at all. At the bottom of the sign in notes that there are 35 additional mammals in the park. If I remember correctly from 8th grade, a bear is a mammal.

What a cool bridge. I tried to set up a tripod photo, but it was raining a kind of ice like moisture so I did not want to leave the camera exposed too long. As such, I set it for 10 seconds only, which apparently was not enough time for me to climb up and over this fence to get posed into the picture. I found this out later when I looked at the shot.

This is a shot on the approach up to the bridge. Seems this is an old logging and railroad area that was donated to the state of Kentucky some years ago. The trail to the bridge is about 1 mile, and it is fairly uphill, and it was cold and snowy, rainy, icy, but worth every step.

This is just what it looks like, a cig butt. It caught my eye because it was on the trail up to the bridge and I could not help but wonder how hard the walk might have been for the dude that decided to lite up half way up the trail. Again, it was only about a 3 mile round trip, but it was reasonably steep at points. Look how nicely the butt is silhouetted against pristine pine needles and snow.

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